Retail Supply Chain Consultants

We are Supply Chain and Logistics Consultants who have been in business for over 30 years. We have a very successful track record and a high rate of repeat business.

Introduction to Our Retail Supply Chain Consultancy Services.

The Retail Supply Chain Consultants at Bisham Consulting have vast experience over many years. Our clients include River Island, Marks and Spencer, the Arcadia Group with Top Man, Top Shop, JD Sports and Waitrose.

These are just a few of the big High Street names we have advised and helped improve their business models.

Our team includes former heads of retail operations. Our modern retail industry expertise includes food, food services and catering, non-food, fashion, and apparel. We have extensive knowledge of DIY and builders merchants, department stores, CTNs, convenience stores and petrol forecourts.

Our vast experience in retail supply chain covers the following areas:

  • Reviewing and running all types of warehousing operations.
  • Transport, parcels and home delivery operations.
  • IT systems and inventory functions.
  • Improving business models across all areas.
  • Improving customer service.
  • Improved business performance and improved operating models.
  • Digital strategy creation and development.
  • Expertise in all consumer goods and FMCG.

Our wider business perspective ensures that we offer commercially sensible solutions. We also recognise and take into account other business priorities and trade-offs.

Retail Supply Chain Consultants. Some of our Retail Consultancy Projects in detail.

GROCERY – 10 Year Regional Distribution Centre Network Configuration Strategy.

Our client was looking for the optimum logistics network configuration strategy.

  • A 10-year plan taking into account the high store service level proposition, sales and inventory growth.
  • Regional Distribution Centre capacities.
  • The need to minimise operation and capital costs.
  • The work involved modelling trade-offs in the network, transport planning and trunking.
  • RDC network and new warehouse design, capital and operations budgeting.
  • Implementation planning and strategy operations.

APPAREL – Pan-European Due Diligence.

Our role was to undertake a complete logistics and supply chain due diligence exercise. This was on a vertically integrated manufacturer and retailer of apparel. This was done on behalf of a private equity investor. So the big challenge was to model the network with limited information while still identifying sensible cost-saving opportunities.

The estimates were checked against the evidence of operational visits and the development plan was duly implemented.

CONVENIENCE – Buying Price Comparisons.

Here the client was merging two separate operations. It was important to establish what was more efficient from a cost and service perspective point of view. Should the client run its own centralised logistics or contract out to wholesalers? A comparison was made of the whole-life buying and logistics costs of comparables from a 10,000 SKU catalogue.

At the same time, the existing logistics plans and alternatives were reviewed. We did this both for cost and practical reasons. We’re delighted to say that our recommendations helped the client save millions of pounds every year.

A leading management consulting firm. Want to talk to one of our retail consultants?
Please Call Us: +44 (0)1628 487000

To discuss a project however large or small please contact us by phone to speak to one of our team today. Alternatively, click here to meet the team and find out more.

Bisham Consultants – making a real difference for our clients.

PETROL FORECOURTS – Network Planning and Costing.

Bisham Consulting’s role was to act as an ‘honest broker’. Our job was to develop a cost-efficient logistics plan for this joint venture contract in forecourt retailing. The project involved assessing the impact of growth plans and identifying the optimum solution at the least cost.

GENERAL MERCHANDISE – Rationalising Logistics in Ireland.

In common with many other retailers, the client had run separate logistics north and south for its various operating companies. The improved security situation provided an opportunity to rationalise the existing operations and achieve a more cost-effective service.

It also gave us a chance to improve lead times. So the challenge was to integrate the operations in a practical way that would cut costs. At the same time, we had to maintain flexibility for what are very different retail models.

CLOTHING – 7 Year Warehousing Strategy and National Distribution Centre Design and Build.

Bisham Consulting developed a 7-year warehousing strategy for this fast-growing retail business. We first looked at cost and capacity trade-offs for regional and national warehousing. We also considered the effectiveness and capacity constraints of the existing operations.

The decision was taken to develop a new National Distribution Centre. Bisham Consulting has completed the operation design as well as the implementation plan. We have now specified the equipment and evaluated and selected the perfect suppliers to support our client.

Supply Chain Retail Consultants: Other Successful Projects and Business Models.

Discount Retailing – Transport and Warehousing Project for the global retail market.

A full 5-year logistics strategy. This included a review of transport delivery costs and handling methods. The work also involved a plan for the total refurbishment of the NDC.

The resulting project was planned in phases over two years to avoid disrupting store service. This was successfully implemented for a fraction of the cost of the proposed alternatives. The client was delighted with the results.

Clothing and Accessories – Outsourcing Programme.

Bisham Consulting reviewed the future warehousing and transport requirements of this high street retailer. We formulated a plan to contract out the operations to a third party. This meant a lower cost logistics solution and significant annual savings. We project managed the subsequent implementation and assisted with the contract and tariff negotiations.

Using our extensive commercial experience in the field this was all done extremely quickly. Bisham Consulting was also actively involved in supplying interim management to help with the IT implementation and merchandising process development.

Home Shopping Fulfillment – Automation Project Management.

The client’s business strategy called for the implementation of a new automated warehouse to cope with planned growth. The Bisham team was responsible for project management and budgetary control. This was all carried out in liaison with the client management, the building contractors and the equipment suppliers.

Logistics and Supply Chain Consultants: Experience you can trust

“Bisham used their experience & expertise to ensure we sourced the right partner and took a safe path through supply chain transformation, which ultimately allowed us to meet our strategic supply chain objectives”

Justin Porter, GM Finance & Operations 

Pioneer DJ Europe

“Brammer has worked with Bisham Consulting on a number of projects over the years. I have invariably been delighted with their approach and the quality of their output. Bisham Consulting has supported Brammer on new warehouse design and delivery, the implementation of warehouse systems, and facilitated the definition of supply chain strategy. All the members of the Bisham Consulting team that we have worked with, and continue to work with, are experienced and pragmatic. They are intellectually rigorous, but with a real-world approach to solving sometimes very complex problems.”

Nigel Trend, Director of Business Integration


Bert van den Berg, Service and Parts Development Director
Hiab USA Inc.

Want to talk to one of our supply chain consultants?

Please Call Us: +44 (0)1628 487000

To discuss a project however large or small please contact us.

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